"lean not on your own understanding"
At the moment I am making my way through Proverbs (though I only recently just started) While I might deviate from that if someone directs me to a particular verse or if want to find something because I want God's wisdom in a particular area of my life.

Today I stuck with proverbs, today I started chapter 3 and came to one of my favourite proverbs

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight."
~ Proverbs 3:5-6

Tonight I found the same comfort that I always do - that God is with me and he will guide me even when I am not sure. This can be real comfort alot of the time because I often come across things that make me unsure.

However tonight I also looked at these verses in a new way. Often I read it as a whole (which is important) and so I often just am reminded that by trusting in the Lord he will guide me. However it says more than that and tonight what stood out to me was "lean not on your own understanding". This really challenged me. I am mostly a very logical person and I have to reason everything out. I also question most things.

This can be very good but I wonder if God is challenging me to be more trusting of his word and try not to question this as much. This is going to be a challenge because I feel more confident if I have questioned something. I think this needs more prayer and thought - or maybe thats the point - I think to much!!
1 Response
  1. I love this verse. I think we will understand as much as we can, but God's understanding goes so beyond that of our own. It is like what you posted from the Anna novel - God's ability is so much greater than our own.

    I think God is okay if we question because he wants us to think and grow, but we need to remember that even when we can't understand something, God gets it. He does understand. We need to trust in him.

    I love your blog because you bring up important thoughts - you make me think and remember how important it is to keep God as the center of everything.

  • Prayer Points

    • Pray that God opens my heart to him and helps me trust in him more
    • Please ask God to guide the doctors in finding out what is wrong with me.
    • Pray for my friend in the UK who is finally seeking help, I hope he finds someone who is open
    • Thank God for opening my Mum's heart about DID, may she now be open to Christianity too
    • Pray that I may be more displined, particularly in my daily quiet times.
    • For peace of mind
    • Thank God for the rain in NSW and pray that it continues