where are you? Where is God?

He is supposed to be there when things are falling apart - why cant I feel Him? He is supposed to give us the strength - yet I am falling apart. He is supposed to carry us, be our light.

Why do I feel all alone in the dark?
1 Response
  1. I'm so sorry you feel this way. He is there. When I feel this way, reading the scriptures - opened randomly often helps. I hope the brighter days come.

  • Prayer Points

    • Pray that God opens my heart to him and helps me trust in him more
    • Please ask God to guide the doctors in finding out what is wrong with me.
    • Pray for my friend in the UK who is finally seeking help, I hope he finds someone who is open
    • Thank God for opening my Mum's heart about DID, may she now be open to Christianity too
    • Pray that I may be more displined, particularly in my daily quiet times.
    • For peace of mind
    • Thank God for the rain in NSW and pray that it continues
  • Welcome

    This is about my journey with Christ - the things I consider, the questions I have and most importantly the things I learn about God through the bible, bible studies, books, sermons and other people generally.

    I hope this blog helps me to be more displined in my journey with Christ. I also hope that this might be a place where others are encouraged learn and question their faith in aims of becoming stronger in Christ